Design Patents

Our sophisticated expertise in design patents affords you optimal protection for your submission.  We can advise you on various issues of providing optimal protection for your design, such as which parts of the design might be better shown as environment through broken lines.  Similarly, several embodiments of the design can work together to provide more powerful protection, thereby limiting others from copying even parts of your design by, for example,  capitalizing on a modification which was not clearly shown in the drawing.  This will leave you better prepared to work with your patent attorney or agent to file the strongest application for your design.

Technological innovations mean that the types of design drawings is constantly evolving.  In addition to traditional design drawings, we are also knowledgeable in producing design drawings for GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces).

For countries that require shading, we are experienced in using shading techniques to represent the contours and planes of the design.  We rigorously examine and reexamine each view to ensure consistency and minimize rejections.  We know that the drawings are the most important element of a design application, and we strive to make sure that our drawings provide you with the best protection.  Our aim is that your drawings will not only help you get your application accepted, but would stand up to litigation in the case of infringement.

We are skilled and knowledgeable in how to present drawings to meet the requirements of the regulations of major countries and prepare our designs for patent offices worldwide, such as the USA (USPTO), China, International (Patent Cooperation Treaty or PCT).