Drafting Your Patent Illustrations Speedily & Professionally!

    Flat Price of 65$ (U.S.) Per Page! Or quotation per project.

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    Design Patents

    Our design patents are drafted with the utmost attention to detail.


    View our patent designs


    inbal navot eisenthalI have been working with Yonith for some time and I have found Yonith to be very professional. Yonith has always provided me with excellent results, and responded quickly and efficiently.
    Inbal Navot-EisenthalIntellectual Property Lawyer

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    Utility Patents

    Our utility patents are drafted with the utmost attention to detail.


    View our utility designs

    Patent Drawing Services

    We are a successful patent drafting & design team who provide a top quality service at a competitive price. As testimony to this, our clients keep returning for repeat service. Our unique blend of relevant skills, talents and experience underpins our excellence. In particular, we have a strong command of English, rigorous proofing skills, professional editing, artistic flair and high competence with graphic software tools.

    An overview of our services…

    • Delighted clients (repeat business)
    • Clear illustrations
    • Accurate (yes, we proofread!)
    • On time
    • Drawing Archiving (substantial savings for re-purposing)
    • Competitive pricing
    • Best-of-Breed service
    • More than ten years’ experience
    • 100% confidential
    • NDA at client request
    • Meets regulations (USPTO, PCT, China…)
    • CAD
    • Vector Graphics
    • Graphic Editing
    • Diagramming software
    • Command of English

    Further elaboration of some of these points.

    Clear Illustrations. As a result, we avoid protracted communications with the patent office, thus minimizing fees. We highlight the innovative parts of the application and ensure that flowcharts, diagrams and illustrations have clear correct wording, labeling and numbering.

    On Time. We make a professional assessment of the likely timeframe and ensure that deadlines are met.

    Drawing Archiving. Our experience with so many clients coming for repeat service has led us to create a rigorous drawing archiving system to minimize cost for clients when they want to apply for patents based on variations of their original invention.

    Competitive Pricing. Our low cost operational base allows us to pass on cost savings to our customers while ensuring that they always receive an outstanding service.

    Meets Regulations. Countries differ in their regulations, especially in design. We are experts in the regulations of major countries – USA, UK, China, International (Patent Cooperation Treaty).